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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oh, Kyan...

There is so much to say about Kyan that it would never fit in a single blog post. Before the twins were born I was terrified that I would never be able to love them as much as I love Kyan. I was reassured by all parents of more than one child that it was indeed possible to love that much more than once...I was still not so sure about that.
Kyan's birth was...traumatic...to say the least, but from the minute he was in my arms (before they whisked him away to the NICU) I was in love.

He has been a complete and utter joy from the very beginning. Ben and I constantly relate our Kyan stories to one another before we go to bed, and I can say that no one nor anything has ever made me laugh the way he does.
He has always had a smile that warms the heart. He is also very sweet, loving, and cuddly!

As Kyan has grown I think Ben and I have been most proud of his perseverance and his intelligence. He is an extremely observant child and will watch things very closely until he figures out how they work. His memory is amazing! He remembers things you promised him a week ago and holds you to it :)

Kyan was born in Hawaii and had his first birthday there. One of the reasons we came back to Oregon can be easily explained through that birthday party...It was about 8 adults and 0 children. We loved our friends there so much, but we didn't have family or friends with kids for Kyan to grow with. You can see that his second birthday, in Oregon, was a bit different:

The most amazing thing about Kyan recently, and there are so many amazing things, is his acceptance of and love for his brothers. Kyan's third birthday party had to be postponed because Mommy was in the hospital in pre-term labor. Mommy was in the hospital or in bed quite a lot for quite awhile and it was really, really hard for Kyan. I expected him to hold some sort of grudge against the twins when they arrived; I mean they caused us some serious trouble in utero and they really upended Kyan's life. Amazingly, however, he has never shown a bit of jealousy or animosity toward them. Even now they make his life more difficult, but he never gets upset at them (at me, yes, but not them).

I know I am so lucky to have three beautiful boys that I can love this much, but Kyan will always be my first born...my heart was lost to him on the day he was born, and though I willingly share it with my other boys, and will always love them just as much, he will always be my little baby boy...Um, I'm sorry, my BIG BOY!

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